Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No gentlemen's sport!

Excerpt from Life:

“Life really is simple,” Grace continued, as if reading her mind. “We think it is complicated because the ego distracts us from what is truly important to our heart and our soul. It leads us away from what really makes us feel good and sends us on wild goose chases in search of material and financial acquisitions and status. It does not want to lose its identity and hold over us! So it will do everything within its power to make us falter on our path. It will throw handfuls of doubt, buckets of guilt and mountains of fear our way. As we move up the path to fulfillment, we must remember that enlightenment, or waking up, is a rather tumultuous stage of growth. In the game of life, these first couple of steps are similar
to a rugby match. This is no gentlemen’s sport! It can be downright dirty and hard. We may take two triumphant steps forward, only to fall face down as we struggle to overcome the firm grip of the
ego’s negative back talk, doubts, fears and limiting beliefs. However, if we doggedly persevere with our intention of feeling good, then we will find the fortitude to pick ourselves up once again, dust ourselves off and plough ahead. Then, as we focus on feeling good, making the necessary changes to our thoughts and in our lives, we will find our way to the next formidable step on the
path—the ‘I won’t’ phase, where we affirm, ‘I won’t feel like this ever again’; ‘I won’t compromise my authenticity’; ‘I won’t be held back any longer’. We will find that our body and mind surge with powerful energy, and we will feel a tremendous sense of well-being.”

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